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2歳になると全ての人が神から授かる『神器』。 冒険譚の英雄に憧れる少年ラストはどんな神器を授かるか期待に胸を膨らませていた。 村の友達が次々高ランクの神器を授かっていた。 緊張の中、祈るラストの元に現れたのは最低ランクの“さびついた剣”だった――。 最弱少年と最弱武器の爽快サクセス・ストーリー! In this world, when you turn twelve, God gives you a special weapon called a sacred weapon. Rust, a boy living in a remote village, dreams of becoming an adventurer with his childhood friend Ruby. Ruby receives the highest rank, A, but Rust receives a battered, F-ranked rusty sword. Unlike his childhood friend who was recruited by a top-ranked party, Rust was told that his dream of becoming an adventurer would never come true, but he didn’t give up and decided to fight with his rusty sword. He defeats weak monster little by little and steadily strengthens his rusty sword. Eventually, after three years, the【Rusty Sword】 finally reached weapon level 10. At that time, a skill awakened in the rusty sword, and it evolved into an overpowered magical sword. This is an adventure story of a boy who was always told he was the weakest.


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【さびついた剣】を試しに強化してみたら、とんでもない魔剣に化けました 第36話, 【さびついた剣】を試しに強化してみたら、とんでもない魔剣に化けました 第37話 【さびついた剣】を試しに強化してみたら、とんでもない魔剣に化けました 17 raw, 【さびついた剣】を試しに強化してみたら、とんでもない魔剣に化けました 17 漫画raw, 【さびついた剣】を試しに強化してみたら、とんでもない魔剣に化けました raw 17話