漫画raw ▶ Rawlazy


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自分の気持ちを抑えて、周りに合わせて生活している小谷花木(こたに かぼく)。そんな彼が惹かれたのは、人目を気にせずダンスに没頭する湾田光莉(わんだ ひかり)。彼女と一緒に踊るために、未経験のダンスに挑む! 部活、勉強、就職、友達、恋愛。必要なことって何?無駄なことやってどうなるの?いやいや、君の青春は、自由に踊って全然いいんだ。2人が挑むフリースタイルなダンスと恋! Kotani Kaboku lives by suppressing his own feelings and matching those around him. He ends up attracted to Wanda Hikari who doesn’t mind how she’s seen by others as she’s fully immersed in dance. To dance with her, he’ll take on dancing despite his inexperience! Clubs, studies, job hunting, friends, love, what is it that’s important? What will happen to you if you do something as useless as dancing? No no, it’s completely fine to spend your youth dancing. These two are taking on both freestyle dancing and love!


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ワンダンス 第62話, ワンダンス 第63話 ワンダンス 63 raw, ワンダンス 63 漫画raw, ワンダンス raw 63話