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獣人族、天族、魔族、人族、四つの種族が住む世界。 純情王女エレミヤは結婚も役目と、獣人の龍族へ嫁ぐも邪魔者扱いされてしまう。 挙句、別館へと追いやられ、いわれのない噂で冷血王妃といわれる始末――。 全ての原因は運命の番(つがい)であるユミルとうつつを抜かす王のせい。 「ならば上等、お前たちの悪縁を国ごと断ってやりましょう! 」 怒ったエレミヤはメイドに扮し「番」の浪費を暴き、暗殺者を暗器一本で切り捨て、さらには裏で手を引く黒幕もあぶり出していく。 その気高い姿に腹黒宰相や堅物騎士、他国の伊達男さえも惹かれだす。 だが国を奪う目前、エレミヤはユミルたちの非道な罠に嵌ってしまい!? ブチ切れ純情王妃が忍びやかに悪を裁く! 痛快! 国盗りファンタジー! A world inhabited by four races: beasts, celestials, demons, and humans. Jeremiah, the innocent princess, has a role to play in marriage, and even if she marries a beastman, she is treated as an obstacle. After all, he was driven to the annex and was dismissed as a cold-blooded queen due to unprovoked rumors. All the causes are due to the king who overtakes Ymir, who is the turn of fate. “If so, let’s turn down your bad ties for each country!” The angry Jeremiah disguises himself as a maid, reveals the waste of his “turn”, cuts off the assassin with a single darker, and even reveals a mastermind behind the scenes. The noble appearance attracts Chancellor Hungry, a straight-laced knight, and even Dateo from another country. However, just before robbing the country, Jeremiah falls into the outrageous trap of Ymir and others !? The innocent queen stealthily judges evil! Exciting! Country stealing fantasy!


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運命の番?ならばその赤い糸とやら切り捨てて差し上げましょう 第37話, 運命の番?ならばその赤い糸とやら切り捨てて差し上げましょう 第38話 運命の番?ならばその赤い糸とやら切り捨てて差し上げましょう 38 raw, 運命の番?ならばその赤い糸とやら切り捨てて差し上げましょう 38 漫画raw, 運命の番?ならばその赤い糸とやら切り捨てて差し上げましょう raw 38話