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最強呪族転生 ~魔術オタクの理想郷~

最強呪族転生 ~魔術オタクの理想郷~


うさんくさい魔術やオカルト大好きな俺が転生したのは、ド田舎でひっそり暮らす呪族…ってみんな魔術使えるの!? 嬉しさのあまり魔術の勉強をものすごくがんばってたら、いつのまにか世界最強クラスの魔術師に。 だけど俺はもっともっと魔術の勉強がしたい! 俺より知ってる人、どこかにいないの? 「小説家になろう」発・魔術大好き少年のお勉強しまくり冒険譚 I, who should have died after being hit by a car, was born again in another world. However, I was born in a shady minor family that used magic and controlled wooden puppets called the Marren Clan. Possessing a strong interest in magic since my previous life, I spend my time zealously studying magic to the point where even the people in the vicinity draw back. One day, I heard I was to be married to my little sister when I turned 16 in accordance with the traditions of the Marren Clan and decided to flee to the city. For now, since I have the strongest magic, I guess I should idle around making only enough money so that I don’t have to work for my whole life.


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